Sarita Devi, Dr. Manju Mehta and Komal
Mandi labour, like agricultural labour in fields, plays an important and intensive role in agricultural regulated markets. Mandi labour is defined as labour that works in regulated agriculture markets or mandis during the mandi season, i.e. when crops arrive. These workers may experience work related constraints due to the work environmental. Therefore, present study was planned on load carrying workers of grain market in the four cities of Haryana State. Study was conducted on 160 workers (40 from each city) to assess the constraints faced by the workers at grain market. Results show that occupational constraints was the highly faced constraints as it scored high WMS (8.51) and Rank I, second most faced constraints was behavioral constrains with WMS of 7.21 and injuries/MSD got rank III with WMS 6.96 due to the high temperature 35.4 + 2.27 degree celcious, high umidy 58.6 + 9.22% and heat index 86.7 + 1.53 from the recommended value. It is concluded that there was a need to some input which is helpful in maintaning the environmental parameters according to the workers comfortable level.
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