S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Effect of phosphatic fertilizer on growth and yield of Azolla microphylla
SR Potdukhe, Kanchan Bramhnakar, Tini Pillai and SS Isokar
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 77-81
India |
2 |
Impact of endophytic microorganisms on the spoilage of freshly cut muskmelon
Ranjitha J, Ranjitha K, Bhuvaneshwari G, SN Patil, Mahesh YS, SG Gollagi, Sudhakar Rao DV, and Mahadev Kivati
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 82-85
India |
3 |
Efficacy of novel insecticides against castor whitefly, Trialeurodes ricini (Genn) and thrips, Retithrips syriacus (Mayet)
Radhakrishnan V, Ravi M, Sowmiya A, Arulprakash R, Allwin L, Vijay S, Vijayaprabhakar A, Karunakaran V, Periyar Ramasamy D, Harisudan C and Baskaran V
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 86-88
India |
4 |
Biotechnology: A sustainable approach to insect pest management: A review
Ulfat Jan, Waseem Ahmad War, Suresh Malakondaiah and Abdullah Talaat Zakaria
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 89-94
India |
5 |
Technical efficiency and its determinants of milk production in South Gujarat
Hiral M Patel, Narendra Singh, Umang B Patel, Anjali S Chaudhari and Parul M Patel
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 95-101
India |
6 |
Bioefficacy of new generation insecticides against leaf miner (Aproraema modicella Deventer) and tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura Fab.) on groundnut
Radhakrishnan V, Ravi M, Sowmiya A, Arulprakash R, Allwin L, Vijay S, Vijayaprabhakar A, Karunakaran V, Periyar Ramasamy D, Harisudan C and Baskaran V
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 102-108
India |
7 |
Aloe vera: A novel natural edible coating for post-harvest application on fruits and vegetables: A review
Ranjitha J, Mahadev Kivati, Laxmi and Ramachandra Naik
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 109-113
India |
8 |
The preservation effects of water chestnut peel extracts on fresh cut apples
Yanyan Gong, Yu Zhang and Shengjun Wu
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 114-121
China |
9 |
Genetic diversity and trait variability in maize: A study across drought and normal environmental conditions
AR Patil, MS Kamble, Dr. SR Karad, PN Gajbhiye, SJ Waghmare, KA Wagh and ON Ragade
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 122-129
India |
10 |
Optimization of level of incorporation of lutein, calcium and vitamin d for Shrikhand preparation
SS Ajmi, SN Rajakumar, KB Divya, CH Aysha and SV Aparna
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2025; 7(1): 130-136
India |