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NAAS Journal
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science

Vol. 1, Issue 3, Part A (2019)

S. No. Title and Authors Name Country
Background on thedevelopment issues of soil erosion of sloping lands of Azerbaijan
Dr. ZH Aliyev
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2019; 1(3): 01-04
Abstract  |   Download  |   File Size: (311 KB)  |  691 Views 148 Downloads
Remote automated controlled irrigation systems and the principles of their functioning in the conditions of Azerbaijan
Rans Aliev ZH
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2019; 1(3): 05-09
Abstract  |   Download  |   File Size: (368 KB)  |  665 Views 145 Downloads
Green synthesis of copper nanoparticals from the flowers of Pandanus tectorius
Sarah Suganthi Lilian R, Priya R Iyer
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2019; 1(3): 10-18
Abstract  |   Download  |   File Size: (808 KB)  |  936 Views 185 Downloads
Perception on health benefit of red meat consumption in Ogbomosho north local government area of Oyo State
Olayemi OO, Ajanaku AO, Oyelami BA, Adebayo AS, Oloba OG, Marizu JT
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2019; 1(3): 19-22
Abstract  |   Download  |   File Size: (432 KB)  |  756 Views 160 Downloads
Response of irrigation and frequencies on the growth and productivity of Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo L.)
Ghulam Mustafa, Abdul Qadir Gola, Abdul Sami Khan Durrani, Barkat Ali, Mohammad Alamgeer Zimri, Asmat Ullah Mandokhail, Akmal Hussain, Muhammad busman Kasi
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2019; 1(3): 23-26
Abstract  |   Download  |   File Size: (295 KB)  |  815 Views 159 Downloads
Application of time series modelling in price forecasting of agricultural commodities
Subrat Kumar Mahapatra, Dr. Abhiram Dash
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2019; 1(3): 27-29
Abstract  |   Download  |   File Size: (318 KB)  |  1021 Views 398 Downloads
A comprehensive study on the physio-chemical responses of camellia plants to abiotic stresses
Dr. Poonam Paliwal
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2019; 1(3): 30-37
Abstract  |   Download  |   File Size: (530 KB)  |  694 Views 156 Downloads
Toxicological biopotency of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (neem) extractive and derivatives as grain protectant to lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica Fabr on wheat, Triticum aestivun Linn. (Poaceae)
Preeti Singh and BS Chandel
Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 2019; 1(3): 38-42
Abstract  |   Download  |   File Size: (282 KB)  |  547 Views 113 Downloads
Call for book chapter