Bhavna Verma, Girish Patidar, Ravikant Soni, Sachin Patidar
An experiment was conducted during kharif 2014 at College of Agriculture, Indore (M.P.) All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project Indore (M.P.). In randomized block design. The least open boll damage was recorded in T3- Imidacloprid (17.8%SL) @ 25 gai/ha & Acephate (75%SP) @ 250 gai/ha. (2.66%). further locule damage per cent was noticed minimum in T4- thiamethaxam WG @ 37.5 gai/ha and Imidacloprid 30.5 SC @ 26.25 gai/ha (3.56%). The highest seed cotton yield was observed in T7- Acetamiprid (20%SP) @ 30 gai/ha & Difenthiuran (50%WP) @ 300 gai/ha. Received maximum net return (Rs.121313) with maximum cost benefit ratio (1:2:81) at par with T6- Fipronil (5%SC) @ 100 gai/ha & Lambdacyhalothrin (4.9%EC) @ 15 gai/ha. In which (3105kg/ha) yield was recorded and second highest net return (112092) and cost benefit ratio (1:2.60) was noticed.
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