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NAAS Journal
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science

Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A (2022)

Determinants to decision and intensity of adoption by taro farmers under lowland and upland production systems in Anambra State, Nigeria


Nzeakor FC and Ume SI


Determinant factors to adoption and intensity of taro cocoyam production technologies in Anambra State, Nigeria was studied. A well-structured questionnaire and secondary data were used for the study. Multistage sampling techniques were used to select 120 cocoyam producing households. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and frequency) was used to describe variables under consideration whereas econometric models; probit and Tobit were applied to and identify the factors governing the adoption and intensity respectively of improved cocoyam production technologies. The result of analyses revealed that the determinant factors to adoption of esculentus production technologies were farm income, farm size and farming experience. In addition, the factors affecting the intensity of adoption of improved cocoyam technologies were household size, membership of organization, access to credit and annual income. Therefore, infrastructural development, enhancing farmers’ access to land, providing inputs access, creating financial viability and strengthening farmer’s organization are areas that need policy attentions.

Pages: 52-62  |  766 Views  279 Downloads

International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
How to cite this article:
Nzeakor FC and Ume SI. Determinants to decision and intensity of adoption by taro farmers under lowland and upland production systems in Anambra State, Nigeria. Int. J. Agric. Food Sci. 2022;4(2):52-62. DOI:
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