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NAAS Journal
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science

Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part A (2023)

Preparation and quality evaluation of sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas) flour biscuits


Shaik Minhaj Kausar, Anil B and Neeti Harshitha M


Sweet potato is one of the most edible winter snacks, boiled or usually roasted and eaten. Sweet potatoes are nutritional, packing a good quantum of vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese into each serving. This research study aims to investigate the preparation, quality evaluation, and standardization of flour and biscuits derived from sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas). The nutritional composition, including proximate analysis, was also determined. Furthermore, the sensory attributes were evaluated by a panel of trained experts with a 5-point hedonic scale rating. In this trial, sweet potato flour was incorporated with wheat flour in a ratio of 20%, 30%, and 50% along with other elements from which three samples were made. Statistical analysis of the sensory data showed Sample C received higher scores and the nutritional analysis of the biscuits revealed that Moisture content was found (14.0%), Total ash content was (2.94%), Carbohydrate content was (57.0%), Fat content was (18.0%), Protein (8.10%), Dietary fibre was (1.92%), Total sugars (15.4%) and Total Starch was (39.4%). Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the preparation, quality evaluation, and standardization of flour and biscuit derived from sweet potatoes. The findings contribute to the implementation of this nutritious tuber in food processing industries and encourage the development of innovative and health-promoting food products.

Pages: 20-24  |  1094 Views  626 Downloads

International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
How to cite this article:
Shaik Minhaj Kausar, Anil B and Neeti Harshitha M. Preparation and quality evaluation of sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas) flour biscuits. Int. J. Agric. Food Sci. 2023;5(2):20-24. DOI:
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