Ulfat Jan, Waseem Ahmad War, Suresh Malakondaiah and Abdullah Talaat Zakaria
Insect pests are one of the main obstacles to increased food and fiber production worldwide. Biological control agents such as arthropod natural enemies, entomopathogens (Bacteria, nematode, virus, and fungus), botanical insecticides, and insect hormones are generating a lot of attention as alternatives to chemical pesticides and crucial elements of integrated pest management system. Biotechnology plays a major part in increasing the bio-insecticide efficacy, cost effectiveness, and market reach. A genetic engineering and insect transformation technology offers ways for the generation of insect natural enemies including pesticide resistance, cold tolerance, and sex ratio alteration. Modern technologies which offer an efficient extraction process, formulation solvents and adjuvants which can improve insecticidal efficacy of plant derived insecticides. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) genes that encode insect toxic proteins can be genetically altered to create more powerful strains and transgenic plants that express that Bt toxin. Biotechnology has a positive impact on food security from insect attack and can contribute to the sustainability of modern agriculture. Biotechnology plays a significant role in insect pest management by providing innovative and sustainable solutions to reduce pest populations while minimizing environmental impacts and dependency on chemical pesticides. In this review, we have discussed some important strategies like GMO crops, RNA interference (RNAi), Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), CRISPR Cas9, and Host Plant Resistance in Biotechnology in Integrated Pest Management.
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