SS Ajmi, SN Rajakumar, KB Divya, CH Aysha and SV Aparna
Shrikhand was developed by incorporating tricalcium citrate tetrahydrate (TC) as calcium source, Vitamin D3 and lutein. Preliminarily the range of levels of TC and Vitamin D3 were fixed as 100 ppm- 300 ppm and 200 IU/L to 600 IU/L of milk respectively. Chakka prepared from milk fortified using selected levels of TCC (200 ppm) and vitamin D (600 IU) was added with lutein in the range of 0.5 -2.5 mg/100 g serving for the preparation of shrikhand. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the levels of three ingredients. Central Composite Rotatable Design using three variables and five responses consisting of sensory attributes was used for computation of optimized solution. The optimum values selected were at 162.78 ppm for tricalcium citrate tetrahydrate, 558.65 IU/L for vitamin D3 and 0.60 for lutein. The predicted values for flavor, color and appearance, body and texture, sweetness and overall acceptability of lutein incorporated calcium and vitamin D3 fortified shrikhand were 8.14, 8.18, 8.23, 8.03 and 8.17 respectively. RSM recommended with 94% acceptability for the optimum levels of ingredients. Product is prepared with an optimized solution and subjected to sensory evaluation.
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