R Uma Sankareswari, T Sivasankari Devi and J Prabhaharan
To assess the effect of endophytic PGPR and Rhizobium on yield of Pigeonpea, a trial was laid out at National Pulse Research Centre using different strains viz., received from various AICRP centres. A total of nine treatments comprising of Rhizobium (Local best), Rhizobium+V4RB1 Pseudomonas marginalis (Ludhiana), Rhizobium + V4RB3 Serratialiquefaciens (Ludhiana), Rhizobium + PPR-46 Pantoea sp. (Kanpur), Rhizobium + PPR-57C Burkholderia sp. (Kanpur), Rhizobium + KP-3(Kalaburagi), Rhizobium + KP- 1(Kalaburagi), N asper RDF and control. PGPR promotes plant growth through nutrient mobilization, growth hormone secretion and protects the plants from pest/diseases. Pigeonpea seeds were treated with all the PGPR along with the local best Rhizobium BMBS 47 strains. Observations were recorded at 45th DAS to assess their effect on plant growth parameters viz., number of nodules /plants, root length and shoot length and nodule dry weight and yield parameters at harvest. Among the multifunctional rhizobacteria Rhizobium + PPR-46 Pantoea sp. (Kanpur) recorded a greater number of nodules/plant (18.66/plant) and nodule dry weight (18.16 g/plant) which is higher than other rhizobacteria. This was followed by Rhizobium + PPR-57C Burkholderia sp. (Kanpur) which recorded 17.00 nodules /plant. Uninoculated control recorded the least nodulation as 09.66 plant which is significantly lesser than all the other treatments. Crop was harvested at 65 DAS and yield parameters viz., number of pods per plant, plant dry weight and yield were recorded and tabulated (Table 4). The Rhizobium + PPR-46 Pantoea sp. (Kanpur) treatments recorded higher values for number of pods/plant (99 pods/plant) and plant dry weight (156.66g/plant) when compared to the uninoculated control. Among the different rhizobacteria Rhizobium + PPR-46 Pantoea sp. (Kanpur) inoculated treatment recorded the highest yield of 1064 kg/ha followed by Rhizobium + PPR-57C Burkholderia sp. (Kanpur).
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