Amit Kumar Barman and Anju Paul
The storage studies on the lassi samples have shown that there is a sharp increase in the titratable acidity during storage at 302 0C while the rate of increase of titratable acidity of lassi samples during storage at 52 0C was rather slow. During storage at 302 0C the maximum increase in acidity was noticed after 24 hrs of storage while increase in acidity during storage at 52 0C was always steady. Yeast and mould in the products increased progressively during storage. A sharp increase in the yeast and mould population is noticeable during storage at 302 0C while increase is relatively gradual during storage at 52 0C. The rates of destruction of coliform organisms were higher at room temperature (302 0C) than at refrigeration temperature (52 0C). The overall relatively poor results obtained for all the samples in relation to their microbiological quality indicate that step should be taken to improve their quality.
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