Aiswarya VG, Rachana CR, Helna Pious, Salini SV and Aiswarya Lakshmi A
Whey, largest nutritious by-product obtained from Dairy Industry, face serious disposal problem due to their high BOD, which was therefore used as a medium for the preparation of this innovative refreshing carbonated herbal whey drink. Studies show that anthocyanin (dephinidin-3-sambubioside, cyanidin-3-sambubioside, delphinidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-glucoside) present in hibiscus-flower-extract could cure cardiovascular cancer and type-II-diabetes and on other hand potent compounds present in mint leaf like menthol, menthone, menthyl-acetate, menthofuran and limnone could be used in treatment of dyspepsia, epigastric-bloating, impaired-digestion. Whey-based herbal beverage was prepared with the incorporation of mint leaves extract (0 to 3%) and hibiscus flower extract (5 and 7%) keeping the amount of lemon juice and sugar fixed at 1.0 per cent and 7 per cent respectively per 100 ml of whey sample. Mix was then pasteurised, bottled, carbonated and corked. Storability of the beverage was studied at 7±1 °C for 10 days. Organoleptic scores and overall acceptability of the product was high for sample prepared with 2% mint-leaves-extract and 7% hibiscus-flower-extract. The pH, acidity, total solids, viscosity and vitamin C content of freshly prepared carbonated drink was 4.37, 0.31%, 13%, 1.23cp and 18.1 mg/100 ml respectively. Further it was found that, herbal-whey incorporated with mint-leaves-extract have high antibacterial activity against E.coli, S.aureus and Bacillus cereus. Since mint-leaves and hibiscus-flower-extract are already proven to contain potent antimicrobial component, the developed drink also expected to have the same and require further studies. It was concluded that whey could be successfully incorporated with mint leaves and hibiscus flower extracts with carbonation and can be effectively stored at refrigeration temperature without adding any chemical preservative with desirable consumer acceptability up to 10 days. This low-cost herbal-carbonated-drink seems to hold good promise in the manufacture of value added nutritious beverage due to their high Vitamin-C content and essential nutrients and could prove to be an alternate to popular soft drinks.
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